How Many Android Users Are There? Global and US Statistics (2025)

The Rise of Android: Why is Android Successful?
Around 3.9 billion people worldwide own Android phones in 2024. With a current global market share of around 70%, Android is considered to be the most widely used operating system. It continues to rise despite the pandemic as it has become popular in most countries, particularly Turkey, Iran, Indonesia, India, and Brazil.
Android is an open-source platform that is free to access and control for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) such as Samsung, Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo, Huawei, Motorola, Google, and many more. These manufacturers often sell their phones cheaper, with a $261 average selling price (ASP) in 2021 than Apple iOS, which makes it one of the factors why Android is successful today.
Editors Picks:
- Android Users: Today, there are around 3.9 billion expected active Android smartphone users spread across 190 countries worldwide. Globally, Android takes around 70% of the mobile operating system market share in 2024.
- Percentage of Android Smartphone Users Worldwide: With an estimated 8.088 billion people worldwide in 2024, 48.2%, or 3.9 billion, are expected to be Android smartphone users. Google’s mobile operating system has a 70% market share worldwide in 2024.
- US Android Users: Android smartphone users in the United States are expected to grow to 149.64 million people in 2024.
- Percentage of Android Users in the US: Around 43.8% of the US population in 2024 are Android users. With an anticipated 316.2 million smartphone users in the country in the same year, 47% of smartphone users, or approximately 149.6 million people, will be Android users.
- Android Installations: The Android operating system was installed on 83.32% of mobile devices sold in 2021.
- Android OS Market Share: Android dominated globally with a 70% market share in mobile operating systems in 2024, while Apple iOS reached only 29%.
- US Android OS Market Share: Android dominated globally with a 70% market share in mobile operating systems in 2024, while Apple iOS reached only 29%.
How Many Android Users Are There in the World?
There are 3.9 billion Android smartphone users in 2024, spread across 190 countries worldwide. Around 1.3 billion smartphone units carrying Android are expected to be shipped in the same year.
Android, a mobile operating system, is developed by Google and powers over 2 billion active devices, such as smartphones, tablets, TVs, watches, and cars. It is said that they are less expensive compared to their competitors, with an average sale price of significantly lower than $300.
In the most recent quarter of 2024, Android rules the mobile operating system market share globally with 70%, followed by iOS with 29%. Samsung, KaiOS, and Windows all have less than 1%.
Number of Android Users Worldwide (2012-2025)
Year | No. of Android users per year (in billions) |
2025* | 4.2 |
2024* | 3.9 |
2023* | 3.6 |
2022* | 3.3 |
2021 | 3 |
2020 | 2.8 |
2019 | 2.5 |
2018 | 2.3 |
2017 | 2 |
2016 | 1.7 |
2015 | 1.4 |
2014 | 1 |
2013 | 0.7 |
2012 | 0.5 |

- Data Table
Year No. of Android users per year (in billions) 2025* 4.2 2024* 3.9 2023* 3.6 2022* 3.3 2021 3 2020 2.8 2019 2.5 2018 2.3 2017 2 2016 1.7 2015 1.4 2014 1 2013 0.7 2012 0.5 - Data Graphic
Note: *This figure is an estimate using regression analysis data from BusinessofApps.
With an expected growth rate of 8.3% from 2023, 3.9 billion people worldwide are estimated to own Android phones in 2024, an increase of around 300 million users in a year. Android had 500 million users in 2012. Since then, it has had a user growth of around 680%.
- Android became the most popular mobile OS in 2014, reaching 1 billion users.
- Android has taken over the global market as the popular operating system except in the United States and Japan, which Apple iOS dominated.
- Android accounts for more than 85% market share in Turkey, Iran, Indonesia, India, and Brazil.
- In 2022, Huawei AppGallery takes the top spot with 44.31% market share in China, followed by Oppo Software Store and VIVO App Store. Google Play Store is not on the list as Google is banned in the country.
- Samsung is the largest manufacturer of Android mobile devices, with a market share of 28.33%, followed by Xiaomi, Oppo, and Huawei in 2022.
Percentage of Android Users Worldwide
With a total global population of 8.088 billion people worldwide in 2024, 48.22%, or 3.9 billion, are Android smartphone users. Additionally, more than 1 billion Android mobile devices were sold in 2021.
- Samsung shipped more than 258.2 million units in 2022, making it the largest smartphone vendor today.
- The Android operating system was installed on 83.32% of mobile devices sold in 2021.
How Many Android Users Are There in the US?
There are expected to be 149.64 million Android smartphone users in the United States in 2024, a 5.63 million increase from 2023. Along with this, Android’s market share is steadily growing. In the most recent quarter of 2024 it had 38% of the market share in the country, following iOS’ market share at 61%.
Number of Android Users in the US (2014-2025)
Year | No. of Android users per year (in millions) |
2025** | 155.27 |
2024** | 149.64 |
2023** | 144.01 |
2022* | 133.4 |
2021* | 131.2 |
2016* | 107.7 |
2020 | 129.1 |
2019 | 124.4 |
2018 | 120.5 |
2015 | 98.5 |
2014 | 87.7 |

- Data Table
Year No. of Android users per year (in millions) 2025** 155.27 2024** 149.64 2023** 144.01 2022* 133.4 2021* 131.2 2016* 107.7 2020 129.1 2019 124.4 2018 120.5 2015 98.5 2014 87.7 - Data Graphic
Note: *All values are estimated.
**This figure is an estimate using regression analysis data from Statista.
Around 149.64 million people are anticipated to have Android devices in the United States by 2024. It has shown a user growth rate of 70.6% since 2014.
Samsung, the leading manufacturer of Android in the global market, generated a 30% market share of smartphone sales in the United States in the second quarter of 2022. This is the second-largest smartphone market share in the country after Apple’s 48%. Together, both brands take almost 80% of market sales, demonstrating consumers’ preference for Apple iPhones and Samsung Galaxy models. Samsung’s Note10+ model, in particular, received an 85 out of 100 American customer satisfaction index score, making it the smartphone model to receive the highest customer rating in the United States in 2021.
Percentage of Android Users in the US
Out of the United States’ 341.19 million population in 2024, 43.8% are Android users. With an anticipated 316.2 million smartphone users in the United States in 2024, 47.32% or 149.64 million will be Android smartphone users. The rise of this mobile operating system is because of its open-source platform that is adaptable and usable in many smartphone manufacturers, unlike iOS, which can be only utilized within the Apple ecosystem.
Percentage of Android vs iPhone Users Worldwide
Out of approximately 8.088 billion people in 2024, it is expected that there will be 3.9 billion Android smartphone users in the same year, which makes up 48.22% of the total global population. The percentage of iPhone or iOS users is expected to reach 18.05% of the world’s population or a total of 1.46 billion people.
Before the competition between Google Android and Apple iOS, several mobile operating systems built by software developers such as Microsoft, Symbian, and Research in Motion (RIM) were strong competitors in 2009. Symbian is an open-source platform like Android used by Samsung, Nokia, and Sony Ericsson, accounting for roughly half of the mobile operating systems market. At the same time, Android generated only less than 2%.
Percentage of Android vs. iPhone Users in the US
With an estimated 341 million total population in the United States in 2024, 43.86%, or 149.64 million people, are expected to use the Android OS. Meanwhile, 42.02% of the US population, or 143.38 million people, will be using iPhones.
Google Android and Apple iOS combined take more than 99% market share in the mobile operating systems. Blackberry OS, Windows, and other operating systems could not keep a mobile market presence, with Android and iOS continuing to dominate, not only in the US but around the globe.
Android vs iPhone User Demographics
- Android smartphone users are primarily male, with 54% of its users identifying as such. Apple iPhone, however, has a 51% female user base.
- Thirty-six percent of Android OS users are aged 25-34 years old, while 30% are aged 16-24 years old. Meanwhile, 44% of users of iOS devices are aged 16-24 years old, while 34% are aged 25-34 years old.
- Even though Android smartphone users install twice as many apps in Google Play Store compared to iOS or iPhone users, they spend less money on app purchases.
- Consumers who owned Android-powered phones spent $10.4 billion in subscriptions, in-app purchases, and premium apps on Google Play, while iPhone users spent $21.2 billion on the iOS App Store in the third quarter of 2022.
- People who own Android devices spend 3 hours and 42 minutes per day looking at their phones, while those who own devices running iOS spend 4 hours and 54 minutes daily.
Users of both Android and iOS operating systems have gaming apps as the leading category for consumer spending, meaning they are most likely to spend on games than other apps. In 2021, gaming apps in the Google Play store generated $37.3 billion in revenue, while the Apple App Store generated $52.3 billion. - The Google Play platform has always accounted for more app downloads, but the Apple App Store was more profitable in 2022.
Social media applications are the most downloaded apps for Android and iOS users. - With 23.96 million downloads in Google Play Store, TikTok is the most popular app among Android users, while BeReal dominates the Apple App Store in the stats from September 2022.